Aug 19, 2007 10:40
It's been a while, hasn't it? My modem died a tragic death, and Dad's only just gotten around to replacing it. Though, in a way, it's been a good thing. Life's been somewhat hectic lately, so I probably wouldn't have benefited from too much time playing around online.
Actually, it's probably better if I view the past couple of weeks as the calm before the storm. This week is going to be pretty mellow, but the week after that? Not so much. My twenty-third birthday is on Friday, and I'm not working that day, so I'm planning to be blissfully slothful. I ended up deciding to take a dance class for the Fall term, just so I don't completely lose it with boredom. Term starts on the 23rd, but that's a Thursday and my class is Monday/Wedensday, so I'll start on the 27th. The down side is that it's a 9:35 am class, but it was the only one that fit my schedule. So...Modern dance while I'm still groggy. We'll see how that goes.
Also the same week I start classes the store I work at has it's annual inventory, which means I'll be working a ton that week. And on the day of the actual inventory, I'm supposed to come in at 6am. That's going to work really well, considering I'm not even fully functional by 9:30 usually. I'm trying to impress upon my boss that it's just a disaster waiting to happen and that everyone involved would likely be far better off if I just come in around 10 or 11am. So far though I'm not having much luck.
Then, also that week, I have the orientation for the MUSE program at the museum. That's Thursday evening, and I have a feeling that by that point, I'll be exhausted. Also, sort of related to this (well to museums, at any rate), I think I've figured out what I'm most interested in for Museum Studies. It sort of combines all of my major interests into one great and wonderful lump: manuscript preservation and restoration. Viola! English, culture, religion, art, the whole shebang, and in one dusty relic. Of course, the only fly in that ointment is that the Harn is by and large a modern/contemporary museum, and it doesn't even have an in-house conservation team. But, I'm planning on a)meeting with the people at the Museum Studies department again and clarifying a few points and b)checking out the possibilities of an internship with UF's rare books collection (which does do in-house conservation and restoration work). Because, yes, I am actually enough of a dork to squeal with delight over first editions. I go completely giddy at the mere thought of books so old/rare/precious that they require white cotton gloves, spine pillows, and climate control to handle...Actually seeing or handling said books usually results in breathless squirming. Besides, I've always been of the belief that a proper, well maintained collection is far closer to a book museum than to a library.
So yeah, life's crazy, but I'm still around.
museum studies,
grad school,