Jan 11, 2004 13:03
Okay, things haven’t been so easy for me lately…. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with my life, and just when I think I have it figured out, I really don’t….. I really don’t know what to do….. Things with my family haven’t been so great, money has been a BIG problem, so I’m trying to find a better job, one that makes more money, but the ones that do, I know I wouldn’t be completely happy at, but my parents need me…. I really hate money! All it does is cause problems with those you love, and just gets everyone really stress out…. Like, I know that the world would be in mad chaos without money but come on if Deep Space Nine can do it can’t we figure out a way??? ::stops and thinks for a moment:: okay, so maybe that is just a T.V. show, BUT IT COULD HAPPEN, right?
Anyways. I was thinking about going to college this fall, since I took this year off and didn’t go, but thinking about all the money problems, I know I wont be able to keep a full time job, and going full time to college. ::screams:: Okay, so like the word “hate” is a strong word, but come on, it’s all right to use it once and awhile, right? I really hate money, and that is that……
Maybe I should have changed the subject to “Hating money”
Amber L.
Any advice would be nice.... Thanks