May 26, 2004 17:31
I can't remember when I updated last. Oh Sunday. Band Banquet was short this year, but I had fun, took some good pictures, and felt sad. That's the time when I forget how much I don't like band anymore, but the good memories come back to me and the great friends I've made. I've met so many new people this year. I think it's because I've become a little less judgemental. And I'm glad I got to know people better that I've always known, but just this past year really started hanging out with. I regret not knowing them as well sooner, but I can't look back on it. From now on I will always have them as friends. :)
So yesterday was my last day of school. I'm glad it's over with because I think it was making us all a little irritable! I didn't think the food at the cookout was very good. I shoulda gotten a hot dog because I don't think those were made out of soy/cat. After that I went home to work on my scrapbook a little more and I had to find my music to turn back in for jazz band so Burns wouldn't eat me. I'm really gonna miss the guy, he's one of the best teachers I have ever had.
Then today I woke up at 10 and half-heartedly cleaned all day. Then Nathan came over after school and we hung out for a little while. Friday is 6 months! OH yeah! I think my parents are going to be out of town on Sunday & Monday so I will need to be protected by Ms. Sage. Okies, I need to go finish up dinner. RELAY FOR LIFE KIDS on our team: We are also going to have a meeting soon to go over things. I will be contacting you all.