I remember the first time that I heard about Brand New like it was just yesterday (fucking cliches), and I thought, "what kind of assholes names themselves Brand New?"
I was watching Much Music in the winter of 2002 and saw their video for
Jude Law and a Semester Abroad. The opening credits came up and I wasn't impressed. But I watched all of the four-minute video and was amazed. The angsty teenager I was, I loved the lyrics. And since I grew up in a place where that poppy punk sound was so prevalent (see Blink 182, Sugarcult, Fenix TX, etc), I loved the sound.
But most of all, I loved the energy.
All of the shots of the band interacting with their fans, it made me want that. It made me want to buy their first album.
And when i did, I loved it.
And that's when my love affair began with Brand New.
Music defines a person and Brand New defined the last half of my high school career, was the soundtrack of it and was the soundtrack to my college years.
That band from Long Island made such an impression on me.
And seeing them on Tuesday at the House of Blues was amazing. Half their set list consisted of songs from previous albums. They played with the same energy that I saw in that Jude Law video.
And the crowd, I love Brand New crowds. They knew all the words to all the songs. There was an immense energy that permeated around the venue. It was contagious. It was amazing.
I thought I had a purpose to this post. In my mind, this was going to be some sort of profound blog entry that effectively highlighted how much I love Brand New.
There are almost no words to that can describe how awesome Brand New is.
They just are.
They are heaven sent.