first day of orientation went well, so that's a relief. I learned a lot; launching into the private sector is indeed daunting, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I just need to get into the swing of things. Ironically, the at-home clients are working out splendidly. I informed both of them that I was quitting, but would like to continue seeing them. The thought was that though we had established rapport, if our schedules wouldn't meld, I'd rather refer them out quickly. Both decided to stay with me, and I explained point blank about me not getting paid if I don't see them, so communication has increased substantially with both of them. It's been like clockwork and stacking them on top of each other. I'll be making smoothies this Friday with one of them; I'm really enjoying this aspect of it.
I am definitely looking forward to the solid schedule. It'll be Monday through Friday at Volcano Harbor, with maybe an at-home client one of the mornings. Saturday morning will be private practice and then an at-home client. I'll have Saturday afternoons and Sundays free. It's not necessarily the free days I need, but more the static schedule. I can't keep hopping, especially when it's only for an hour at a time. If it was solid swing, it'd be more manageable because I would be somewhere for 4-8-16 hours. But driving all over the county doesn't help me.
Finally, the call center decided to be up and running, our first day back being yesterday. (Ironically, my team lead pulled me back to speak to him, then began the conversation with, "I'm going to convert you Monday." This meant he was going to make me permanent. Dude, you haven't talked to me at all about this; I got a new job, kthnx. I am so done with them.) I started pasting and cutting through my planner again, trying to update the month of June. Tonight, as I was fixing wedding cards and cutting up hotel paper, I realized it's almost the end of this planner! I know I originally started this planner, then things fell off between the swing work and Momma almost passing away. I took some time to write my future self notes in this planner, as well as when I closed the other one around this time last year. I am hoping that the new planner will show that I'm a bit better off than this roller coaster I've been on for the past two years. It's a little bit bigger, but has the same type of layout. I am hoping I won't need to write so many notes in it, explaining how ridiculously shitty life was and why I stopped writing. I ended up moving some of my ibotta money over so a.) yay free planner and b.) it's coming on my birthday! So that's exciting all the same.
The cover is a bit honky, but I saw it and knew it was something I needed to have. When I first started with planners, after I
could no longer get Pooh bear (which side note? That entry is from 2007!! I can't believe it's been so long since I couldn't get Pooh planners!), I would typically get the darker and more cooler toned covers. Two years ago, I did a pink chevron thing which I ended up not writing in since my life got all fuzzy. This past year is black with silver stars. The new planner is a bit bigger with a white background and gold somethings, but it has written on the cover: "She designed a life she loved."
Maybe the inspirational quotes aren't exactly up my alley, but I like the concept that this new planner just HAPPENS to coincide with the new job, the new schedules, and hopefully a stabilization of sorts. Maybe I'll do morning planning when I'm eating breakfast, or I'll catch up on weekends. I am supposing that the Volcano Harbor is going to be very, very busy, so I might not have 15-20 minutes in the mornings to organize my day and consult my planner. But I am hopeful.
It says it starts in August. If that's the case, I might have to make it start in July just so I can get this new-page-turning moving on.
I just had this little vision of me sitting at my STILL CLEAN dining room table, consulting the planner in the morning while I drank coffee and ate toast.
I am curious as to how this half-middle will work out. I know I am going to need to work on some time management, maybe some actual routine planning, versus this smash-dash-grab I've been doing since I started at the Kangaroo Hut. There might be time to actually ease into waking up, or working out, or getting in good quality time.
Alas, there's a new planner coming in a few days...
... I'll be sure to delve into it once it get here!