My relationship made you do what now?

Jul 03, 2014 15:57

My left hand is still hurting insanely, but thankfully easier than the past two days. I went to my internship yesterday, then attempted to come home early to no avail. Today, I drove in Fidget, dropped off Onyx, went to the eye doctor, stopped by the fire station, and walked home. I felt way too productive and way too hot. I've intermittently talked on the phone, emailed from my school account, and tried to figure out which work schedule of Fidget's I'd like the best that would work for us semi-long term.

The main reason I wanted to update? After a long conversation with a friend that was much-needed, she basically summed up my relationship. She's in a new relationship, which is always exhilarating. We talked briefly about how long Fidget and I have been together, the various trials we're enduring through graduate school and unemployment, her new relationship, her family situation, our love of produce. The final crux was when she said, "You made me realize that it was possible to have a healthy and loving relationship. I looked at you and (Fidget) and realized I wanted that for myself. I really think I manifested (her new partner), but it's amazing to realize that I can be in a safe and healthy relationship, too."

People like Fidget, but it was just reaffirming (and somewhat ego-fluffing) that my actual relationship caused to give her the warm and fluffies. I love the living crap out of Fidget, but what we're trying to accomplish in the long term is pretty damned awesome. The man made a commitment to pay our bills while I pay for graduate school; that's a helluva commitment for anyone to make, regardless of the status of your relationship. That he's been working so hard to keep me sane. And fed. And clothed. But mostly sane. And while we gripe, we love the pieces out of each other.

And my friend is in a new relationship, a potentially more healthy one, because we modeled that? It's quite humbling and astonishing.

Basically, I decided to update with more fluff and less serious stuff. I'll get back to the serious eventually. But right now, I'm thankful to have such an amazing and supportive partner...

... I hope everyone can either attest to that or find that one day.


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