
Jun 15, 2013 21:03

I wonder if I still know how to do this. I set up the computer, and then on a lark, decided to see what my livejournal was doing. Apparently, a whole lot of nothing. It's been almost two and a half years since I last updated. I never did my Year in Review, and at this rate, I'd have no idea what would be significant enough to update. This used to be a venue for me to update my friends since I won't sign up for Facebook. Now, it's just a shell of what I used to write.

There have been times that I have longed for this outlet. This journal was an extrapolation of my planners, a humorous outlook on what my little notes would document over the years. There have been times where I've wanted to write something nasty, or see how the words are reflected on the white screen. I wanted to spew about the sappy when I was first dating Fidget, but couldn't pull myself away from him long enough to update this in the office. I've wanted to be angry about work, but then it was fizzled out by the time I came home.

It seems as though the crazy doesn't find me as often. If I'm alone, it most certainly does. But it seems that over the years, Fidget has put out an aura of calmness that neutralizes any craziness that may come my way. Maybe it's because we're not randomly hitting bars anymore; maybe it's because we've settled into each other. But even work has calmed down, and also my parents have calmed down in a way that I'm able to handle.

Maybe that's why we met to begin with; the Universe was slowly burning me out, so he was sent to me so I could continue to do what I do best.

There's no way I could write about 2.5 years of stuff with multiple planners in the course of a night. But I can use my five arenas and figure out how best to go from there.

Nothing's changed and everything's changed is probably the best way to approach this one. I re-read some of my past entries and almost had to laugh. Indeed, I moved into another building in August of last year after we lost funding and they closed one of our programs. I'm still doing what I had been doing, though now I'm in a little office. We didn't have air conditioning for most of the year, and the heat would steadily pump into my office. It was so bad that I didn't even wear any of my winter clothes because I knew I would just swelter through them. It got fixed last week, so now it's frigid, which is a welcome change. I can't even complain about that. About three months ago, it was decided that we could no longer provide to the panel I had been serving over four years. I had to call a lot of clients and refer them out for services, which hurt my heart greatly. While it's been done, and they now have new doctors, I'm pretty much just killing time until the next stage happens. I've been disillusioned lately, but I can't tell if it's the company or if it was the heat. Now that it's fixed, I'm trying to be optimistic and progress from there.

I have a school section now! The great thing about the Starship is that they're willing to work with school schedules. I studied really hard for the GRE and amazingly enough, got into graduate school! Finally, the goal I had been putting off for years is coming to fruition. I'll get those initials after my name and be able to carry my own caseload. I was even offered to do my internship/practicum through the Starship with Cookie!Pony supervising. While I'm not sure if I would pursue it, it's good to know that there's options.

The short story is that they're not well. My family did finally come around and decide that moving North would be the best option for them. Now, it's time to sell houses and then get them up here before they both die. I'm sure I'll elaborate on it further when I don't have to do a big update.

Everyone is getting married! I'm going to six weddings this year, two of which I'm maid of honor for, and one as a faux bridesmaid. It's kind of ridiculous. We're coming down the home stretch for Kayrin, as her and Otter Bucket will be married in a couple weekends. Then Smurf's festivities start up! By the time Labor Day rolls around, I'll be putting my life on hold in order to properly focus on graduate school, so there'll be two weddings and that'll be relatively it out of state.

Onyx is still trucking along. Because of all of the weddings (Trips and Caterpillar got married last year, and I was MOH for Caterpillar), Onyx recently turned over 109,000 miles! He's still going though. While he'll be free and clear in December of next year, I wonder if he'll make it that long. The idea is that I'll buy a new car and "sell" Onyx to Fidget so we'll have two vehicles, so I'm hoping I can keep Onyx alive.

Life is great and love is grand. We'll be hitting three years come September, and I'm still thankful to him for slowing down the craziness. This would be another extrapolate-upon section.


Other sorta arenas:
I bought a house! I couldn't deal with the flooding of Six-Foot-Three, so bought a house at the end of last year. I knew I wouldn't be able to succeed at grad school if I kept moving my credenza through my apartment and sleeping in my guest room. I am so glad to be rid of that situation.

We have officially moved in, and I can say I am much happier here. There is light coming through the windows (we have sunlight, now!), I have herbs growing on my kitchen windowsill, and enough space that multiple couples can sleep over with doors and rooms. Setting up the computer was my last venture into settling in; while we have to hang pictures and probably do some re-arranging, I am so glad we're here and able to be responsible for our own land. I OWN LAND NOW!

This can be its own entry as well, but some health concerns had cropped up in the past year, specifically relating to my parents. While there hasn't been significant loss, there's been rearranging. I can run now, which I find fascinating. There's vitamin supplements and routines, and no white flour. It's long and extravagant, so we'll end it there for now.


In short, lots of GOOD changes over the past couple years, and I can't wait for this summer to be over (ugh, weddings!) to throw myself into grad school...

... we'll see how chatty I am then!

starting over, grad school, fidget, five arenas

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