I have been home on the weekends for the past two months. I find it interesting that I haven't traveled outside of my state for that long. Naturally, since I haven't traveled, I have been ridiculously busy. For instance, my house is now TORE UP. I have been slowly working through various things in my home, trying to put everything together. I know one of my resolutions was to keep my kitchen clean, which I have been accomplishing, oddly enough. But the rest of my house could use some work. I also know that March is going to be RIDICULOUS, as I apparently have friends coming down and I'm going up on weekends, so I won't be able to work on this during the week. (On top of my local friends coming over, coupled with AM making her monthly appearance, and adding on some Hustla for good measure, I just recently got back in touch with my Aunt Rose and should be going out for crabs sometime next week. March is starting off crayzee, and will probably continue to do so throughout the month.)
Now, I know all of the clutter books tell you to do one room at a time and focus on what goes where. Unfortunately, I'm horribly ADHD and this never proves to fruition.
MFNJ let herself in this afternoon, bringing tools since I had a Treadmill Fail and she was trying to fix it. (The belt moved entirely over to the right, and needed to be loosened, moved back over, and readjusted.) She came around the corner of my kitchen and was like, "Whoa."
"Hey, man. I'd totally help you out, but I'm currently covered."
"Why, yes, yes you are."
Originally, my mania was supposed to work on my guest room. Ever since I rearranged this room, it has gone to the birds. I never put the bed together, and decorations from multiple fall holidays, along with Christmas wrapping paper, was strewn throughout the area. Typically, when someone comes down to visit, or even comes over, they are only one person (Kayrin, Bluejay, Hustla), so they sleep with me. However, because my guest room wasn't put together, when Otter Bucket came down the following day after Kayrin, she had to sleep on the couch. She was fine with it, but as a Southern hostess, this hurt my heart that Kayrin and Otter Bucket couldn't sleep together in the same room.
Today was going to be going through this room, rearranging my littlest closet that ever closeted and finally trying to make it presentable to guests. I had gone online earlier, finally deciding to give Overstock.com a shot. I wanted to buy another comforter for my own room, but this room has never actually had a blanket. I have still been using the blanket Mary K and Kayrin gave me three? four? years ago as a birthday present, which is a patchwork Pooh quilt. I wanted something a bit more grown up, and ended up using some of my Maryland money to land two comforters, a three-inch foam pillow topper (Hunny and Smurf can tell you how hard this bed is in here, oi), and two mattress protectors.
That gave me enough motivation to want to start cleaning everything up.
Which gave me enough motivation to work on my ENTIRE HOUSE.
So, by the time MFNJ finally worked her way down here, she found me covered in paperwork, which I had grabbed out of my dining room. When MFNJ
had helped me clean out Kermit, we had bagged up everything, threw out what we knew was trash, and put the rest in my dining room. Her main responsibility had been the roof and the front. Mine had been the hatch.
You would not BELIEVE what I had been carrying around in Kermit's hatch! For YEARS! Just a quick synopsis, though not all inclusive:· My college diplomas (!?!)
· My offer letter from the Starship
· Minutes from meetings from both the House and the Floor
· My 2005 taxes
· Pictures from Formal 2006, where not only was I in the picture with Beb, but so was Alfie
· Picture from Formal 2005, where Tree Bark and Smurf were my dates
· Halloween, Christmas, and a plethora of Christmas cards
· Both my Halloween pumpkin hat and dirty bunny ears from Easter many years past
· Rosary missing one Hail Mary and the Body of CHRIST, i.e. no crucifix, just a cross with some holes
· A desiccated bright yellow key chain of a baby whip
· Software and cords for a digital camera I last used when I was dating Beb (those pictures should be interesting)
· A bright blue stuffed monkey
Kermit's front license plate· A black tee shirt, and a black turtleneck
· Mail for Trips
· Numfar's and Trips' allergy lists from when the three of us lived together
· Invitations to my graduation
That is basically what MFNJ found me buried underneath when she walked in. She must be getting to know me better, because all she did was take off her coat, walk past me, and work on the treadmill.
Because of my massive sorting and going through everything, my house is technically getting cleaner, but looks 493820 times worse. There's Kermit's stuff in the kitchen, where I need to carry it back out to Onyx. There's piles all over the floor of Important Information. I have no living room table right now; not only was I trying to organize the stuff from Kermit, but then I started organizing the actual table itself. There's lighters, lotions, and sick medicine, coupled with all of the stationery from Kermit I found along with my library books. I can only get to my couch on one side now. I have to shuffle through stuff to find my cigarettes and cell phone when I'm sitting out there.
It's coming together, though. While the study portion of this room needs a lot of work, the bed is finally cleared off and you can walk on either side of it. I put away the decorations, and now it looks appropriate. My foyer needs to be mopped from the snow-cluttered kitty litter and the shoes put away, but otherwise, my dining room is getting there. I had cleared the table off during the snowpocalypse of all of the mail that had been all over it, and now just need to get rid/file what's left, along with putting other stuff (band-aids, switchblade) into Onyx. It's going a slow step at a time.
I want my house to be COMPLETELY put together for a change. I think the last time this happened, I was living in a dorm room with Kayrin (not even when I was by myself in 108). I have gone through every milk crate when I cleared out Pak Rat, so that front is good. I have been through almost everything in this house. Once I get the common areas together, I'll be going through my bedroom. While my bedroom is fine save for some dirty laundry, I have some boxes to go through, a few bags, etc. I've started a collection of what I'll drop at Goodwill on the way home, and Lord knows there's stuff in my closet I haven't worn in years nor plan on wearing again...
... is this a sign of spring or mania?