Memes... Yay sheep! BAAAA!

Aug 19, 2007 04:37

I understand that I'm not in school anymore. I understand that I now live the Big Life and no longer need to hunt for socks or backpacks or plethoras of pens.

It's common knowledge, however, that I am a stationery ADDICT. And this time of year? Is like manna from the heavens.

I want to go shopping with money I don't have for stationery I don't need. I want to buy spiral notebooks (Purple for science, red for English, blue for Spanish, green for something environmentally), and curse the rings that are already bent. I want to buy packs of pens to stuff into my already full bag. I want to fire up the printer and design front covers for all of my three-ring binders. I want to organized the desk I don't really have for classes I'm not taking.

It's like a dirty little habit. These are the reasons I stay out of places like Staples and Office Depot. You have any idea how much WILLPOWER it took to JUST buy my new planner a couple weeks ago? Not gallivant down the ideas of lined paper and crisp printer feed and pens and pencils galore? It was TORTURE.

And now, with all these deals! I want the three-subject spiral notebooks that I have NEVER used for three subjects because my professors talked too damned much. I want to start writing in those damned books again, highlighting my textbooks, carrying multiple colored pens to put emphasis on "trigger" words. I want to be anal-retentive about the prettiness of the notebooks, until I realize three weeks in that I'm okay with them looking "weathered."

Perhaps I have a little money of "shopping" money left. Most people go hunting for clothes or other necessities. Me? I want paper products.

Anybody want to go shopping with me? I'll even let you drive the cart.

Yay Memes!

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Or your favorite breed of tropical fish/kind of bug/breed of dog. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

So, I left a comment, and got asked some questions. Here we go! Answers to hott-pink-punk's Big Pressing Questions:

1. What do you think it is about you that draws people to you?
I've often wondered this. I'd like to think it's smoke-filled seduction complete with HOTTTXX sex appeal, but I actually think it's consistency. And non-judgment. Which are both welcoming and comforting. I'm hardly even phazed, and I hardly ever change. So when people go through some messed up something-or-another, I'll listen, not judge, and continue on my oblivious way. It's very much of a "Come as you are" attitude with me.

2. What was your first impression of me (at least the first you can remember)?
"Whoa PINK!"??? The earliest I can remember was you in Changing the World, debating about Wicca. I was originally concerned, seeing as I was still a mite scared of being burned at the stake. I knew you to be opinionated, and I figured you were a bit rough around the edges, much like myself.

3. What diner will replace City View?
I truly can't answer that. I've been to Sunrise a few times; wasn't too impressed with Teapot. Superior is temporarily closed for remodeling. Lehigh Family has disgusting food; Whitehall Family has disgusting service. I can say that I'll know it when I see it.

4. Is there anything you've always wanted to tell me, or ask, but didn't get to?
I doubt it. You and I have always tried to be up front with each other, or at least attempted to in the past. We're getting back there.

5. What is it exactly that is wrong with your knees? I mean, I know they're bad but I never knew why.
I wish I had some sort of kick-ass story for this one. Like, I was mugged at the age of seven and tore my right knee cap defending a flock of ducklings. Or I had to run so hard at the age of ten because bullies were after my momma for crack, and she had their favorite pipe.

Unfortunately, about a decade ago (AHHHH! GETTING OLD!), I was at the ROTC Christmas ball with Chess, and ironically, Mike Roberts. He was performing his Michael Jackson impersonation, complete with glove!

Anyway, the song "Tootsie Roll" came on, and I started doing my fancy Tootsie Roll with Chess. All of a sudden, my right kneecap twisted, locked, popped out, back in, and I froze in utter pain. I sat down with the aid of the Gloved One, but generally thought I just sprained it or something. I iced it, rested, and on I went.

It was about six years later during some physical therapy, my PT told me he had never seen anyone walk like me. Not only did I have a bad right knee, I was making my left one bad by favoring.


On top of that genius news (I could have told him that), he said that my hips turn outward and my knees turn inward. My skeleton, my genetics, made me waddle like a duck. It was only exacerbated by the knee problems.

My knee doctor said that because I hadn't received proper treatment six years previously, the kneecap had healed improperly. Because of that, it doesn't track properly, and often slides out of joint COMPLETELY.

So, there you go. All because of a damned song. Momma even knows it because of my knee. The same damned song I am forbidden to dance to in the company of Hunny, Smurf, or Kayrin.

(I cheat, sometimes. Don't tell them: they'd all beat me. Together, then in succession.)

Ta-da! My knee problems in totality...

... I must admit, those were some damned good questions!

[Seeing as I answered and questioned in the same entry, this could become confusing. So, if you want me to pick up five random questions about you, leave me something random, but tag the entry with "Questions" in the subject line. Otherwise, comment away!]


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