Feb 27, 2007 23:56
Date:Gottalove myspace randoms! I think this is the awesomest random message I have EVER received. My new best friend. Haha
Feb 26, 2007 8:11 PM Subject:Add me!Body:so i can rip on your red writing.
damn i hate red writing
i just had a cunt being a cunt with red writing.
so i declare war on red writing
though i do like the music
but it clashed with my judas priest so i paused that biatch.
now add me and you can be # 13 ore something, yes, myspace is only for drunken drugged up raves. good value for everone else and a good vent for me.
now i gotta piss so add me.
or not
who really cares
actually don't add me
you have a stupid picture and jasmine is a name of an indian who stole some of my real estate signs "by mistake' bullshit by mistake. fucking fuckeress.
and buy a bike.
cuz then you won't be such a shit driver.
and don't forget you have a song
i don't know what its called
but its'a bout you.
just try your best and you will be spat on everytime
speaking of spitting.
don't get "i spit on your grave" apparently it is pretyy fucked. rape galore, who needs that sht? apprantely the revenge is good thoguh. but i ain't getting it.
now wrap me in your silk wings angel and take me home