This Pasifika shit I've been bitching about the last 6 weeks came to an end today.
Had interviews with all the tutors and guest judges, which was bloody scary, and our garments got photographed by a professional photographer and by al the local newpapers...
My model, Robyn from year one, was freaking excellent, she had he hair done beautifully in ringlets and strong smokey eyes and looked absolutely beautiful in my Pacific inspired wedding dress. Will definately have to get some photos up, the ones the photographer took.
I modeled Ann's dress (the 80 year old crazy woman in my year) and had an awesome time with the photographer being all crazy like. She was like "smack your ass!" "get on the floor!" and im like REOW! and she laughed and she goes... Actually... HOLD THAT POSE! lol it was so much fun!
Anyways the best news is that out of the entire year two, the competition was for 6 ensembles to get through to the
Westfield Style Pasifika comp..
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FARKING STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And everything is worth it now... I spent over $350 on that ensemble. And not I'm getting recognised.
What was crazy was that the other 5 that got picked were all quite traditional, using creams and browns.. where mine used brown, purple, blue and green!
Will definately get those pics up as soon as I get my hot little hands on them!!!
xoxoxoxox Jazz