Hello everyone! I've had this photobook for a long time but I have to deal with real life stuff and I actually forgotten all about it.... oh well, better late than never right? I've had a very rough 2013 and 2014, that even my friends said that it's great that I'm still standing strong! Things happened in my real life that's just about made me go on hiatus from the fandom for a while. In a nutshell, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer and she had an emergency operation then my grandfather died last year. New Year 2014 just started when my father had a heart attack and he was in a coma for almost 4 weeks (considering he also have lymphoma made it worse), then my oldest brother died last April so all of us went back home and then my other brother who is with us here is not well and we found out that he has a heart condition. So with all the financial strain and the time that I have to swap my work shifts around to be able to go with mom or dad in their hospital appointments and do the housework, didn't give me much time to do anything else for myself. But the fandom is one of the things that saves me from going nuts so I tried to come back bit by bit. Thank God for the fandom!!!
Anyway, on to the photobook! I think kisumai and ebi's one are the same ones in some photobooks that I've already uploaded (not sure, really!) but just in case some of you wants the other johnny's sexy photos that's why I've uploaded it. I must say, my favourite set of photos in this photobook is NEWS.... they are super smexy! just tego alone is asdfghjkl ^_^
There's Arashi, eito, kisumai, ebi, HSJ, NEWS, yamapi, etc....
please credit jazzkisumai if you want to use/post the scans in your blogs or fanpages... and thank you for your comments ^_^
Enjoy minna!