Some people call me Cass, some call me Yuwen, some call me names. Take your pick.
My journal is locked for a simple reason: To protect the privacy of my friends. (I figured not everyone likes getting their face plastered all over a public journal.) Oh, and also because I really shouldn't flood your f-list unnecessarily. Yes, I'm doing this out of the goodness of my pure heart and consideration for mankind.
If you promise me you're not a strange old man lingering on the web for private photos of other people, add me and I'll add you back quicker than you can say 'Why you de-friend me?'. I'll throw in a free chill pill.
If for some odd reason you're still interested in my absolutely un-entertaining and boring life, I can be found on various platforms:
tumblr; mostly regarding life in Tokyo
facebook; for those really interested
twitter; personal angst bin
formspring; to ask me anything under the sun
wordpress; in case you feel compelled to give me some work
All posts made before August 5 are not friends-locked, so have fun.