Mar 04, 2010 00:05
So when I tried to sort out my Japanese lessons with Nakai sensei so that I could finish everything here before I head to Waseda and take my JLPT, I found out that I can't because I'll have to apply in Japan to take the test in Japan. He seemed more excited than me, but told me to take both English courses and Japanese language courses so that I'll keep improving and then he said that I don't have to take JLPT 5.
"When you come back, take JLPT 1, or if you scared, JLPT 2. After staying there for one year, I'm sure you can pass. No problem."
Somehow, his plan was more shocking to me than the fact that I got Waseda. Michelle, Man and I were laughing in disbelief.
So even though I'm not going to take my JLPT this year, at least I got my exchange. This is proof that the Lord blesses those who patiently wait upon Him. (: And even more exciting than going to Waseda (because now it just seems like a lot of paperwork), are the lessons I've learnt from having my dream fulfilled three weeks later than expected.