Oct 27, 2005 16:18
10 Firsts:
First best friend: Linnie
First screen name: yahoo: Charm_princess_warrior/ aim: jazziemay2000
First piercing: Ears
First crush: uhh -thinks- Brandon
First music: idk
First car: no car
First love: no comment, friends and barbies baby!
First stuffed animal: A bunny
First time being drunk: Sammie's house!
First job: Chores
9 Lasts:
Last cigarette: With ash, good times. heh.
Last alchoholic beverage: About 2 yrs ago
Last car ride: umm i think over the weekend
Last movie seen in theaters: shit uh, i cant remember
Last phone call: katie! hehe i wuv her!
Last kiss: i dont remember, probably my ma on the cheek.
Last CD played: Led Zepplin; album 4
Last bubble bath: um like 2 weeks or so ago, mostly take showers.
Last time you cried: i dont remember.
8 Have You Ever:
Have you ever been outside the country: no
Have you ever dated one of your best friends: lmao hell yes!
Have you ever been arrested: no way man!
Have you ever skinny dipped: haha. yes! ;)
Have you ever been on TV: uh, i dont think so
Have you ever kissed someone and then regretted it: yes!
Have you ever had a suggestive dream about someone you knew: Oh yea baby!
Have you ever cheated: yes im guitly as charged but not like alot, as far as love never in my life! piff
6 Things You've Done Today:
1. Woken up
2. gotten ready
3. went to school
4. talk to friends
5. went to classes
6. came home
5. Things you ate today:
1. Bowl of cereal
2. Cheese burger
3. rice crispee treat yummos!
4. cheese dog
4. People You Can Tell [ALMOST] Anything To:
1. Kate
2. Amy
3. Linnie
4. Ashely
3 Choices:
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: cold
3. Sun or Rain: rain
2 Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Travel the beautiful world!!!
2. Own my own hair salon with linnie! hehe ^_^
1 thing you regret:
1. Everything we do or say is for a reason isnt it? Actually not taking many chances in life it annoys me. i need to start doing that more.