More quick random updates

Aug 28, 2008 10:00

Jeff's background check came through yesterday, and he started work today. YEA!!! It's a good thing he got in before the start of September, otherwise there would have been a 1-month delay in the start of his benefits.

Sam and Brian have decided to accept the offers and move to South Carolina. This will take place in mid-October. They will be sorely missed.

My trip to Santa Clara on Tuesday went well. My department head and I made the trip in order to do a dry-run of our Intel Quality Award presentation in the room where we will deliver it for real next Tuesday. It went well. The Intel shuttle flight both ways on the same day made for a long day, but I am really benefitting from all the face time I am getting with my boss's boss.

I'm an instructor for Intel's 4-hour Building Trust workshop, and I delivered it on Wednesday morning. It went well. One of the students mentioned that he will probably arrange to have me present the course to his business group as an intact team next month.

We are loving our new TV.

I am enjoying watching the Democratic National Convention. I realize that some of the speeches are idealistic bluster (it's this way for both parties in every election), but I like the energy. And I think Hillary has been very magnanimous in how she has thrown her support behind Barack. This has to be a difficult time for her.

The issue of the wording on Arizona's anti-marriage-equality constitutional amendment has been resolved. The wording will inform voters of the existing laws, as it should. YEA!

I am concerned that, to date, the political groups in the state have been extremely slow to organize around this issue. There's just over two months to go until the election. The anti-gays have raised $1.3 million, which includes $100K contributions from four couples in the Phoenix area and a large donation from Fuckus on the Family, while the groups who are fighting the amendment have raised about $8,000. My requests to volunteer have gone unanswered. I am not going to donate money until I see some signs that someone is running the ship.

Enough - back to work!
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