Jun 06, 2011 14:15
So we're starting to work on saving money toward having a baby in the next few years. If we save $250 a month (no easy feat), we can start with in vitro and donated sperm and whatnot in a little over a year. Scary and exciting! We also need to save aproximately $333/month for Jack to have surgery before we have a baby... which is part of why we have a roommate now. Crazy.
We got to see my friend Will yesterday, along with his wife Jen and their 11 week old son, Sam. I haven't seen them in two years give or take, so it was nice to see them, hold their kiddo (who is right at that age where he is right on that cusp where they start looking more like real babies and less like mini-Jabba the Hutts), talk about baby shit (literally), etc, etc. Fun times.
Woohoo, babies!
That is all.