Of food and love and other important trivialities.

May 16, 2011 13:47

It is incredible how many insurmountable and horrible and relationship-threatening problems are simple and breezy when one is receiving proper nutrition.

Guys, I have never felt like this before, at least not since I was an actual child. For the first time in my adult life (!) I do not feel like crap.

This is a big deal.

So! I have an appointment the first week of June with a gastroenterologist. I have a call in (no word yet) to a nutritionist. I am in the process of eradicating gluten from my home (which means everything from getting new appliances to switching the dog to grain-free food). I am learning how to cook things that don't have flour in them, etc.

This is obscenely life-altering, intense, and wonderful. Also, super-frustrating in this horrible "We do NOT waste food!" kind of way that has me very upset that I am getting rid of things that I have paid good money for. Things that all those starving children in the third world would love to have. Guilt, guilt, guilt. Whatever.

Do you need brownie mix? Macaroni? About a thousand packets of instant oatmeal? Have I got some food for you! Seriously.

Problems with Jack that felt crippling, that had me (literally) ending this relationship and walking out the door, now seem quite easily figured out. Nothing seems insurmountable! Everything is fixable! So crazy.

So I got a new toaster. And new wooden spoons and cutting boards, dish drying rack, spatulas, whisks... things that I can't necessarily just clean really well. Probably giving my mom's standing mixer to my new sister-in-law-to-be. Keep it in the family, but far far away from me. I want a new one, but they're like, $300. Save and save and save.

And now I'm working on my knowledge of what I can eat. Where I can shop. What I can cook. Where I can go out. What I can drink. Etc, etc, ad nauseum.

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