Health = Wealth, or somesuch nonsense

Apr 26, 2011 12:35

Where to begin?

I have been having loads of crazy health problems, ranging from excessively dry skin to stomach issues that I don't want to go into in a public way, and there is a good chance that they are food-allergy related. Woohoo.

So, for the last eight (gah!) days, I have been on the most ridiculous elimination diet ever. I have cut gluten, dairy, meat, alcohol (no biggie), most processed sugar, etc. from my diet in an effort to clean myself out before we start reintroducing things one at a time to see what causes symptoms to re-emerge. I gotta say, I am not happy about the prospect of re-emerging symptoms, but unless I have to, I do not want to live like this forever. Not that there is anything wrong with living as a gluten-free vegan, but frankly, I feel like a fucking squirrel.

On Sunday, Jack asked (so sweetly) if I would make him waffles, and I did, and then I cried. And not just cried, but sobbed! About waffles! I am a mess.

That said, the symptoms I have been having for months, nay, a year or more, have cleared up to next-to-nothing in a matter of eight freaking days. So yeah, silver lining.

Best case scenario is some small allergy, like a slight intolerance to lactose or something. Worst case scenario is Celiac disease or something similar.

On top of that, the flu swept through our apartment like a tornado two weeks ago, which puts me at 15 days (today) of flu symptoms (I'm at the mild and annoying and not-contagious stage now, and I'd be happy as hell to have this gone, thanks very much) and thereby, 15 days of not smoking! After five days of not smoking because I could not leave my couch, I figured why stop there, the worst part of quitting smoking is already behind me!

So now, ten days after THAT, I am still not smoking. And man, this is why I quit quitting. I hate quitting. Quitting fucking sucks. I am antsy and jittery and uncomfortable and I want something in my mouth now. And not just in my mouth. I want something foreign and burny in my lungs. The glorious feeling of cilia fighting for their lives (and ultimately, drowning in tar)... I miss it. I miss it so, so, so much. I am disgusting. And I can't stop coughing. The cilia are winning, and I am a fucking mess.

To add to all the healthful healthy hooray for health things I am doing, I bought a pedometer. I don't know why, I just thought it might be something that would be awesome to have, if only so I can feel good about continuing to not do too much, and lo and behold, I already walk the recommended 10,000 steps per day! Aproximately half of which is done back and forth in my office! A day of sedentary cubicle work is all I need to be healthy! Score! Go me!

It's the little victories, really. Now, back to my trail mix...
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