1. I found out that if I save up my vacation time for the rest of the year, I'll be able to get paid to be at Nationals in Boston in August, and also be able to get paid to go to Texas for Christmas! Hooray!
2. I don't know if I'm coaching or volunteering or just hanging out, but I'm gonna go to Boston for Nationals. Exciting. I like Boston, but I've only ever been there in the winter. Let's see what you look like without all that snow, pretty!
3. Texas Christmas! I know most of the world thinks that Texas is plumb awful, but Taylor is my childhood fairyland. I can't wait to show Jack.
4. Tax return coming soon = painting the bedroom and building a storage mezzanine in the office = AWESOME! (I forgot to sign the damn thing, apparently, so it will still be coming soon, but only after I re-mail it.)
5. We got Zipcar! Their closest lot is 3 blocks from our house and not having to borrow Jack's parents' cars for grocery shopping is TOTALLY worth the expense. They have all kinds of cars, too! And, and, and! You don't pay for gas! Best thing ever.
6. Hairs have been cut. All of them. I now look like a cross between my fourth-grade self and Katie Holmes. People keep thinking I dyed my hair darker, and that I look like I'm 16. Fun!
7. I just got another filling put in my mouth, bringing my grand total of slightly not-as-real teeth to two. Go good tooth genes! (Jack is not so lucky. He has a massive filling to get put in, because if he leaves it any longer, he'll need a root canal. The appointment is already set, no worries! Go, go, gadget DENTAL INSURANCE!)
8. With the new health insurance comes new doctors. I still have to make an eye doctor appointment, but I will be seeing my brand new general practitioner in the next few weeks (and hopefully she can refer me to an awesome chiropractor).
9. We did Valentine's Day yesterday instead of today, because we both work today. We made bacon cheeseburgers out of buffalo (delicious) and drank champagne. Then we went out and sat on the porch and smoked a cigar together and talked. Then I went and dug out my VHS copy of State Fair with Bobby Darin and Pat Boone and Ann Margret and we fell asleep watching it. Awesome. He gave me a necklace and I gave him a spoon (yes, a spoon).
How was your Valentine's Day?