Most of you by now are aware of my Life List. At least I assume I've talked about it enough. If not, here's a quick run-down: This wonderful woman named
Maggie made a Life List for herself, a fantastic list of 100 (give or take a couple) things she wanted to do in her lifetime. And then she started doing them. And it changed her life so much and she had so much fun that she started to encourage other people to do it, too!
A few months ago, I made a Life List. It includes big travel goals, smaller "just do it already" kind of goals, and regular everyday "this is how I want my life to be" goals. From learning to play Backgammon to going to the
Loy Kratong festival in Thailand, I have covered a lot of bases with my list. There are a lot of things I want to see and do before I'm gone.
One of those things is "Live in a CLEAN house with enough storage space for everything we need."
Flylady. I am learning how to clean. I know this sounds absurd, but how many of us are overwhelmed with housework at every turn, and if we don't buckle down, our houses get insanely out of control? Well, what if you have midterms? Or get bronchitis and can't move for three weeks? Then what happens to your house? I'll show you what happens to your house, because it is what happens to my house.
Now, I know that in most cases, my house is a worst-case scenario. But I'm fixing it, one little thing at a time! I promise not to show you befores without afters, as that would just be cruel and unusual. Peak below my cut at the INCREDIBLE TRANSFORMATION!!!
The Dreaded BEFORE:
The Lovely AFTER:
I can has clean house? Yes, I can.