Feb 24, 2007 22:47
I just got back from Cody Bird's movie night! It was pretty fun, but some reason I was way out of it the entire time. I don't know... just my head felt all funny and i couldn't concentrate or focus on anything. I think I was just tired before I actually realized I was tired.
My favorite part about the whole night was showing up at Jessica's wrong house, then when I got to the right one she had the most adorable new hair do ever. Then at the party I got to see Sunshyne and Anthony. He has pretty eyes, I told her that he did just incase she didn't notice.
Then the highlight of the night, I was half asleep, stomache aching, feeling like I was on some massive LSD trip because I was spaced out and watching the most bizarre movie, then someone shouts "Kara's here!" and I was instantly awake. I got to see my Kara! I mean, I have a lot of friends, and quite a few really deep down good friends, but something about Kara and April is different. Like they're more like sisters, just minus all our parents having sex with eachother for that to be possible.
Ok, so I was just kidding about that last part. No more horrible mental images from here on out.
But I did mean the part about them being sisters. It's hard to explain... like I kinda feel like we're a group of married couples. Mormons, that's the word I was looking for! Like they're both my wives. Not the average kind of fighty-angrysexy-loveyoubutdon'tlikeyou kind of marriage, but like the really really old people marriage. Just... I could never think of a time that either of them have ever made me upset, sad, angry, flustered, or even do anything to make me question them psychologically.
If you haven't met them, you should. They're good people.
But now I'm going off to bed, I'm not sure why my stomache aches, but it does. And I fell asleep more times than I can count at the movie night, so I'm going straight to bed.
Don't worry, I'll write again soon.