Fic Index Placeholder Links will come eventually

Aug 09, 2020 21:32

Kink Meme Deanons:

Blindsided (1) (2) (3) (4)
(More familial USUK, with hints of more to come)
What If' AU- England doesn't shoot at the critical moment in his last battle during America's revolution, but one of his men starts up the battle again, and changes everything.

Murphy's Law
 America is attacked by an ordinary human: Cue England's call to heroism.

In Vino Veritas
Request was for sober UK sexing up drunk US.

Action Before Thought 
Nation dying for citizen, inspired by Skillet's 'Hero' There is some language, and possible hints of pairings, however they can be viewed however the reader likes. Interlude involves an OC human and Netherlands
(USUK, Spamano, GerIta, France/Jeanne so far.)

Do No Harm  *** ( 1) *** ( 2) *** ( 3) *** ( 4) ***  ( 5) *** ( 6) *** ( 7) *** (8)
(Established USUK)
After an attack on America, the personification vanishes. Request was for Amnesia and Doctor!America (With Children/in Doctors without boarders).

Request was for a happy ending for the Doujin 'Silencer'.

NaNoWriMo project and other stories:

Precious Memories
(NaNoWriMo-- no established relationships other than friendship)

All I want for Christmas/Comfort and Joy/Beauty is in the Heart of the Beholder

State of the Union
(Inspired by a kink meme prompt. No established USUK, just some lovely tension.)

Community Projects:

Kiss from a Rose:
One red rose/Saturdays/99 Roses

Alternate Universes

A Foggy Day in London Town
(Songfic request from EllaroseC)

Your Milage May Vary
High School AU

I reserve the right to edit these fics when I have the time and feel they need an overhaul! (Yes, there are several that do. I'll get to them eventually.)
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