Oct 29, 2008 12:38
You know, I think I have a clearer idea of why I hate going to doctors. While yesterdays was all nice and all... Other than trips to ER with broken bones in need of casts I don't remember going to a doctor and getting relief for what brought me in. I mean when I was a kid and had strep throat, yeah they could fix that, but not sice then. Going to the doctors office is such a feeling of futility for me. Doesn't matter how I feel or what the complaint is, there never seems to be anything that can be done to relieve my suffering.
The doctors best guess at the moment is that I had a bad combination of factors. I prolly got the flu. Then two days later withdrawl from ending my FM meds started in. Then I went to a full fibro flair immediately followed by PMS, culminating in cramps from hell and an unseasonable snow storm (which always fucks with my fm). Just incase she did order an abdominal ultrasound and, oh the joy, stool sample testing. I did find out that being sick has caused me to lose 8 lbs. Not sure how I feel about that
*fingers crossed* I hope I'm well enough for Halloween!!!!