Sweet November

May 12, 2009 18:21

Sweet November
Director: Pat O’Connor
Actors: Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron

In Russian: Сладкий ноябрь

Remake of film of 1968.
There is another one attempt to look at eternal values and transiency of being.
Nelson Moss (Keanu Reeves) is ad professional and workaholic. All his life is subordinated to work. No private life, no rest, no anything else but the job. Once he meets the girl who looks like no one he have seen before. Her name is Sara Deaver (Charlize Theron). He could pass by Sara and his life would never changed. And chance meeting wouldn’t bring the changes to Nelson’s life if Sara didn’t insist on continuation of their encounter.
And one more moment which acted in favour of change of his life was the following - he was fired from his work (by the way, his girlfriend left him at the same time). Good chance to make something good in one’s life! As far as Nelson has had much free time he could spend it with Sara, the more so, as Sara was cute girl. Her approach to the life was very simple: enjoy every day in your life and give joy around you. Of course your activities should be kind.
The more Nelson met Sara the more he liked her. He seemed to feel the emotions he never felt or felt very long ago. Finally, he fell in love with Sara.
What’s about Sara? Sara chose some guy practically every month and tried to make him happy, tried to teach him to love the life and enjoy every day. Good position! Everybody loves her. And she had so nice transvestites-friends!
Nelson had changed his life and began to feel better. And when Nelson decided to offer to her to marry him he found out that Sara was ill with one of the varieties of cancer.
That’s why she hurried to live. She could afford it earlier cause she was from rich family, but earlier she couldn’t realize whole sense of human life (I think), or rather simple things in life.
At the end they had split off.. She didn’t want him to see her jaded - sweet November of their life should have positive emotion
What’s else one can tell about the film? There are so-so scenario, not good actors performance and good question to viewers:
How do you plan to spend your life?

Rate: 3


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