Nov 23, 2012 23:59
I'd rather not write one more story about trip to an exotic country and describe details of route, transport and lodging for the night. I try to tell about some my feelings...
Though it's impossible to avoid several necessary details. So, our way (including the transfer points): Astana (Kazakhstan) -Tashkent (Uzb) - couple places in the Tashkent region - Samarqand - Kagan - Buxoro - Tashkent. We communicated with orthodox priests and stayed for the nights at the churches' rooms. We have experienced (испытывать) an eastern hospitality. And we saw magnificent old madrasahs, mosques and tombs...
So… Astana surprised us by modern architecture and wide avenues. Ad appealed city.
Tashkent is not so interesting: after earthquake in 1966 the city was rebuilt and now represented 'sovok'-style city with several more or less modern good looking places. Interesting fact: one of such places is museum of repressions and occupation. Unfortunately Russia is shown as occupant of Uzbekistan in some nowadays Uzbek schoolbooks although Uzbeks concern to Russians quite good. But policy of the state is so that Russians are forced (вынужденный) to move to Russia: it happens due to providing the work places firstly to Uzbeks (and it must know that there is no much work in the country and existing work is low-paid (низкооплачиваемый)) and cease (прекращение) the teaching of Russian language in schools.
Samarqand was the capital of Tamerlane Empire and was the center of middle-ages Asian science. It’s pity that now the city is developed in modern style as if taking into account the tourists (in spite of that tourists would like to see old-style buildings, streets and bazars) And it needs to say that memory about Tamerlane and his grandson mirzo (something like academician) Ulugbek survived only after great work of historians (including Russians and probably thank to them in particular)
Buxoro overwhelmed (потрясти) more than others. Here a spirit of old streets is saved; here you can imagine how Hodja Nasreddin walked and told his stories and Avicenna treated (лечить) people… And you can not only imagine but see how the beautiful carpets are created (may be not as real Persian but real eastern, hand-made, colorful…)
But the most impression was from Russian Orthodox Church there. Evidently the Islamic surrounding has influence to the orthodox state and church appeared as not big but united alive power where every man is not unnecessary, where even Muslim can find refuge (пристанище). Mission of Christianity is forbidden (however mission of any religion is forbidden too; even muezzins (муэдзин) can’t call to prayer from their minarets. And it’s in Islamic country. But church bells ring is possible though. Interesting, isn’t it?) but every priest is occupied by work and full of plans. Every priest with whom we meet could find time for us. In the Soviet period that land was reach by real men of faith, men of saint life.
Mm, only details worked out (получиться) in the story.
Ah, about Daewoo. It’s so funny to see Uzbek cities full of one brand cars. Fantastic, hundreds of equal white and silver cars! Actually here are cars of two brands - Daewoo and Chevrolet (these companies have big plants in Uzbekistan. And people buy only these brands practically). And - attention - Daewoo cars cost more than ones in Russia: Uzbekistan sends their cars on low cost as debt.