May 05, 2011 15:43
Have read an article about energy. Now thinking… The longer we live the more energy we need. The more energy we need the less natural resources remain. And with extraction and mining of materials for energy we deform the Earth. But on the other hand what are the minerals needed for? They were formed during the millions years and will keep on formation further. Can we use it? Probably yes. But how? Million years’ reserves of minerals humankind spent during ~200 years. And using the natural materials we contribute the pollution of environment.
It’s turned out that we can use the minerals but don’t know how.
If to use renewable energy - it could solve the problem. But renewable energy means renewal of approach to the life. Who think about the life/future/children/world? People make money now, not in the future (expect of some ones). Some people have become fossils themselves in the money rush. With coil is instead of heart and with oil is instead of blood. And with tail and horns of gas - that why the tail and horns are invisible -) We need energy for life but this necessity transforms our life into the life for energy.
We are so dependent from energy that I wonder - Can we live without dependence from energy? Whether do we remember how to live without it? Some people choose such way of living, a sort of downshifting. And something prompts to me that they become more happy then they were before…