I've been meaning to write either some RenIchi or ShuKira for fucking ages now, but what's going on in Bleach manga at the moment has depressed me so much all of my ideas/inspiration have withered and died like neglected smutty flowers and I have not written a damn thing for aaaaaaages. (Doesn't help that I'm not getting laid either >.<)
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Still wanna do that "Renji (or maybe Grimmy<3) watches over Ichi" fic but srsly - I've started four different fics this last week >_> You wanna try take one over? xD
And don't worry, we all have moments where we can't make our fingers tap corectly. *bear hugs*
You've started FOUR this week!? Magical! It's awesome that you're so full of inspiration right now ^^
Take one over? Only if you want the quality to suddenly decrease haha! Or we could do little bits each, who knows..
You're not reading RenIchi any more? D: GrimmIchi is heresy, heresy I say!! (is kinda hot though. ahem.)
Yeah, I know O_O finished ch.10 today too.
it's not something special really ^^' Two of them are still not typed into a comp, I've been writing on small paper notes and on old homeworks xD if you feel like you have time we could just pass something back and fort until it's finished~
Comes from the one who has ByaRen dj's! Little lady, you have no right to open your mouth!
... it's super hot *drewl* mmm... Grimmjow...
I havn't stopped fully, I'm just on a small break - I do save everything that comes out so that I'll find it later ^^
*le gasp* SSSH!! No-one is supposed to know about my ByaRen undercover shipping!! XD
Haha, ok, I'll keep quiet! XD
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