Not really sure why this happened...

Feb 12, 2012 23:49

Title: They Say The World Was Built For Two
Characters: Hisagi, Kazeshini, implied past ShuuKira
Warnings: Character death, suicide

Kazeshini is sitting against one of the burnt-out trees, knees tucked against his chest. His colour seems to flicker grey around the edges, not red. Shuhei looks down at him, sallow face blank as it so often is these days.

“I thought you’d be mad.”

Kazeshini looks up at him, eyes just as blank as his master’s.

“I’m your soul. We want the same thing.”

Shuhei sighs and leans against the tree, the bark cold beneath his fingers. The fire has long since died out. On the outside, he is going into respiratory failure in Squad Four’s barracks. Medical workers are shouting and flitting around his bed. But in his zanpakuto’s world, the forest that once blazed with a fierce, all-consuming fire, it is quiet and calm. They both know that death is approaching.

“I thought you never cared about Kira like I did.” Shuhei says. He still doesn’t understand why Kazeshini isn’t yelling. Kazeshini wanted to be the thing that killed Shuhei. He should be in a jealous rage, but he isn’t.

“I don’t care that Kira died. I’m just….. tired, Shuhei. Tired like you are.”

Shuhei looks down at his zanpakuto. “You should be the one ending this. Not me, with a bottle of fucking pills. It’s too pathetic.”

Kazeshini looks away at something in the distance. Shuhei can’t see what it is, but the sun seems to be setting.

“I’m tired of killing…. I don’t care about reaping lives any more. I’m just so tired.”

Shuhei nods. “So am I.”

He sits down next to the black shadowy figure, and rests his head on Kazeshini’s shoulder. He can feel his eyes starting to drift shut. Before the sun disappears behind the line of the trees, Shuhei swears he can hear his dead lover’s voice in his ear.

But the ringing is too loud, he doesn’t hear the words.

Everything’s gone, now. The words no longer matter.


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