Mar 25, 2006 22:52
Just So is over.
I had fun.
but I never want to act ever again.
I really like music.
I wish i was better at it though.
playing it. especially jazz. i'm bad at that. I don't get it.
I don't know why I can't. cause I've gotten it before, and now I can't. It's weird.
I guess I need lessons. Cause I feel pressured to play jazz well, even though I don't want to.
Is that bad?
I hate Calculus.
I got into Hofstra....yay?
now it's either there or UNH... least everyone's going to UNH next year.
NYU? - I'm too hopeful
I love cookies.
Frog and Toad is fun.
aparently I'm going to be playing in 6 shows this summer. 4 at Peacock, 2 at Derryfield.
I might also Musically direct Songs For a New World in Nashua.
oh man...songs for a new good.
I still havn't quit Carlyle yet. need to get on that.
There's a movie I'm supposed to be scoring....maybe that'l start that soon too.
everyone knows that an army of elephants needs a monkey general.
God I suck
It just turned 11:11. every day...
I like musical theatre, and I don't care what anyone else says.
there's a new girl. she's awesome. we had breakfast this morning.
Mario games are still fun to me.
next week is vacation: week two.
maybe I'll get off my ass.
I realize now that I havn't updated in a while.
and I don't care.
Tennis starts monday....oh boy....
wake me up for graduation.