May 24, 2006 19:42
It's official. The kids at Kiser are starting to drive me nuts!!! I know it's the end of the school year and they're done with their EOG's but that doesn't mean they can completely shut down. They still have 2 1/2 wks left and we have to do some kind of work.
I'm not the only one who's feeling this way, the regular teachers who've been there all year are telling me they're doing the same thing to them, but I'm sure that it's different for them because they are these kids teachers ALL the time. And it doesn't really help that I have NO PLANS and i have no idea what they've covered, what they're good at, what they need work on, etc. I'm really just guessing as to what to do b/c the teacher I took over for-who's still at the school and was supposed to make plans for me-has left me hanging. I haven't seen him in almost a week. And he told me that I didn't have to worry about grades or nething like that because "You were hired as a sub so you're not responsible for those things!" But I've been responsible for doing the EOG's, editing them, making plans, figuring out how to do everything on my own, etc...but he's gonna take care of grades for me. Thanks, Pal!!! Luckily there's a teacher there who actually worked with Megan this year and she's helped me sooooo much and is just gonna let me copy her plans that she has for the rest of the year. She's been my saving grace this week and listened to me complain. I <3 Karen Thorpe!!!
I honestly have been a bitch to the kids this week but only because they haven't listened to ANYTHING I've tried to tell them. All I want them to do is work quietly on the assignment by themselves for a lil while, then they can have their time to work together, then if they finish we can go outside. It's not that much to ask. I think it's pretty easy and a pretty good deal. But they just can't do it this week, so I've had to yell every day. And today, they decided to switch on me. The 2 usually good classes were little monsters and the usually insane class were great, did exactly what I asked and got stuff done. Today I took a note from a couple girls and then read it later- it said "Mr. S is being mean today!' (the kid forgot to put Ms) "Mr. S? I knew she was a man!! haha" "Now the truth is out" I thought it was funny. It's my first "I hate Ms Sheffield" note. Hahahahaha. I'm entering the real teaching world now!! lol.
All I hear everyday is "I wish Mr. Brawner was back, " "Mr.Brawner does it this way," "Mr. Brawner never makes us do this".....blah blah blah over and over. I've already told them that I'm not him and they're just gonna have to deal with me for the rest of the year and I'll try to make things as close to normal for them as possible, but again I just hear complaining under their breath. So I got tired of it and actually let them have a chance to tell me what they hated so much about being in class and only 1 person had the balls to say anything. All he said that it was hard to listen to some one who was mean---which I've already explained to them that if they followed the instructions I wouldn't have to be mean and we could have fun. It's common sense!!
There's only 10 days left--- 1 of those days is a field trip day, then there's the last day of school, so really only 8 days of dealing with them and work to do. I can't wait for it to be over so I can concentrate on next year!!! I'm still hopeful that things will be better when they're actually my kids, for the whole year, and I know it will be. If I can get through the next 10 school days, I think I'll be ok.