Bionic Mosquito

Jun 15, 2005 09:39

I was in the shower just a few minutes ago to tell you now that I was under attack from a blood sucking insect which would not die. I drowned it twice, and slammed it into the wall, swatted, and stomped at it. After I though he was gone away with the water down the drain (though still half asleep myself and not being able to see the floor well) Then a few minutes later he was flying into my face. I swatted, he took evasive manuevers, I tried netting him with the rag and caught him between my thumb and the rag. He tried scrambling away... really putting up a fight! Then I squashed it between my fingers.

Warning to all the rest of you: I think that small confined spaces make mosquitos claustrophobic and thus naturally defensive. He tought I had invaded his territory, so I correctly reassured him of my superiority on the food chain.

man vs. nature, silly

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