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Jul 06, 2010 10:42

It's finally summer here in Michigan. I had to admit that I was enjoying the beautiful weather. Like 70's during the day and cool enough at night that I could sleep with my windows open and a light blanket. This week it's going to be in the 90's so we finally broke down and put the air conditioner in. We were going to put it in my room as Phil is moving out at the end of the month but George (mom's ex-boyfriend) did something to my screen so I can't pop it out. My bed is directly under my other window so unless I switch my room around I can't put it there. We turned it on earlier, blocked the hallway and shut the bathroom but my room still didn't get very cool. Oh well.

Went to Cedar Point last week with Phil and his fam. It was a lot of fun but I got super sunburned which made the rest of my week pretty miserable. The allergies didn't help much. I was itchy everywhere and hardly got any sleep. I was outside on Sunday as well and managed to burn the part that wasn't burned because of where my tank top was. I have some pretty interesting tan lines right now.

I also started hunting for a camera last week. I got my check for my 401K and switched everything over so that I can get going on all of this stuff. I looked online a bit, ebay and craigslist, but wasn't too happy with the prices I was getting for something that was out of date and used. I looked up a couple of equipment places in the area and found one in Royal Oak. My mom was going downtown with my cousin anyways so I tagged along.

I wasn't expecting much as their website said they worked in computers mostly, but figured it wouldn't hurt to check it out considering I would eventually like to get a nice editing setup. We went in and they obviously don't do much out of their office as boxes were everywhere. The first guy I asked said they don't really do cameras, but the second guy said he could help me out. He took some notes on what I wanted and got my email address. He got back to me the same day with a list of some cameras I might be interested in. I picked one out and now he is putting a packet together for me to look through.

The camera I picked out is really nice. I was looking for something that shoots 24P (the closest video can get to film quality) and this one shoots that and HD. I'm pretty excited about it actually, he said he should have everything laid out for me today because of the long weekend. I'm hoping I can get a decent price on it so that I have a little money left over.

I'm thinking that I'm not going to be able to go to Traverse City this year which really sucks. I thought I might have another week or so, but tickets go on sale this weekend and I haven't told Phil yet. I still have a phone call to make today and I'm waiting to hear from some production companies so maybe all is not lost...?
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