
Dec 06, 2007 05:04

Well I am dying, aside from not really having a place of residence anymore andliving like a vagabond.....

I started out having a bad cough and sneezing a lot two days ago. It was bad but hey, I usually go with the fact that most pain is mental. Yesterday the cough got more intense and my sore throat was not even bareable. Last Night Mikey, Bianca, Dustin and I were hanging out and I felt myself not even being able to say a whole sentence without feeling like I wasn't able to breathe right. It got worse and I wasn't able to sleeeep. At 4 am bianca drove me back to my parents.....I asked them to put all the petty bullshit aside and promised to leave again once I got better but I wasn't breathing correctly and needed to go to a hospital. So it started to get even worse... I was lightheaded and I started begining to pass out before I could get to a doctor... the doctor said to keeep me awake because if I passed out I wouldn't be able to keeep forcing my self to was so painful. Finally I found out the breathing chambers in my chest had tightened and made it so it was so hard for me to breathe and I had a flu with pneumonia like symptoms. They perscribed me 2 inhalers and an asssload of medicine... I feeeel so shitttty.

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