May 17, 2006 17:52
Here's how my typical summer weekday is panning out:
9:00 am... My alarm goes off.
9:04 am... I turn it off.
9:05 am - 10:00am... I get pretty and eat brekkers.
10:00am... I start getting ready for work--making lunch, packing backpack, etc.
10:25am... I lock the back door behind me.
10:25am - 10:55am... I walk somewhere around a mile and a half from my house to Duke's East Campus bus stop.
11:00am... I board a C-2.
11:13am... I arrive at West Campus bus stop.
11:15am... I get to the top floor, Red Zone, Duke Hospital South, Department of Psychophysiology.
Work work work.
4:10pm... I leave the top floor, Red Zone, Duke Hospital South, Department of Psychophysiology.
4:15pm... I board a C-2.
4:28pm... I arrive at East Campus bus stop.
4:28pm - 4:58pm... I walk that same mile and a half from Duke's East Campus bus stop to my house.
5:00pm and onward... Lie on the couch with the computer and probably TV on in front of me.
Kids, my legs and feet aren't happy about this. Neither is my there-have-got-to-be-better-ways-to-spend-an-hour-and-a-half-of-every-day-than-travelling-to-and-from-work sense.
I am very open to suggestions about better ways to do this. These suggestions may not, however include
-driving, as there is very little parking, and I don't have a license anyway, and only my dad's manual Ford Escort, and he and Mom wouldn't smile on that anyway;
-riding my bike to East, as I don't know how, and I don't trust its safety there for five hours a day anyway;
-riding the DATA bus, as I don't want to use all the change necessary, especially since the Duke C-2 is free;
-or supplying oral gratification in return for rides, as that's just nasty.
Come to think of it, my back isn't happy about this either. Nor my mons pubis. But that's a different story. It's actually not a story, really; that is just generally unhappy. More of a normal state than a story. Kind of like Eeyore.