Priscilla Queen of the Desert!

Apr 03, 2007 21:15

I watched this movie again for the first time in years.  And there were other things that I caught that I didn't when I saw it so long ago.  Like when Bernadette said:  "Why don't you light your tampon and blow your box apart, cause that's the only bang you're ever gonna get sweet heart!"  When I saw it in my teens, I didn't realize they were talking about THE BOX!

Eat my box!!!!  (I just love sayin' that!!!!)

It's funny, when I was younger how some things slipped by, how naive a child can be!  When I watched Gallagher as a kid, then as an adult, I was later like "Ahhh.... THAT'S what he meant!"  I think I must have either laughed because he was seeming silly, or because I was a kid, and I liked to laugh.  My nephew Sam is like that.  He will laugh when adults laugh, and he doesn't even hear the joke.  I think it's cause he either just wants to join in, or because he likes to laugh.

Anyway.... The movie was fun.  But, another thing I think is that you can enjoy some movies more in different settings.  Like I would go to watch Priscilla with my friends at Midnight at Uptown theater in Mpls. The next night we would watch "Rocky Horror".  It's different on the big screen, but it's also different when you have a whole room of people who are getting into it.

Oh, yeah!  And I noticed subtleties of the film....   Like when the guy offered to show him around, then when the other guy lifted his drink up, the other guy then realized that he was a man by noticing his bicep, yes, the nicely formed arm.  Which is a little silly that he didn't notice his ADAM'S APPLE!  -Just sayin'!

But, it is a fun movie!!!!  I mean, if you haven't seen it, and you're reading my blog.... then WHY HAVEN'T YOU!??!?!?!!?!?  If you're a friend of mine, then you most likely are the kind of person who would love this movie!!!!!  "Too Wong Foo" blows!  So, if you saw that and didn't like it, give Pricilla a chance, COME ON!

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