If you have ever written a self-insert fanfiction, or thought about doing so, this is for you. It doesn't matter if your character was a Mary-Sue, Marty-Sam, both, or neither. Just that you wanted to.
If you wrote and posted it, you may have been told many things about it, from praise to flames and everything in between. But you probably weren't
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It's not, persay, that all self insertions are PERFECT PERFECT, it's that... you're self insertion (who will typically turn INTO a mary sue) is just the idealized version of you. What you wish you could say, what you wish you looked a little more like. If you pursue that perfection to an absurd level, forgetting that the best of characters have very human flaws, then your creation turns into a Mary sue.
Sometimes, though, these creations are helpful. Idealize yourself, see yourself where you want to be, and work towards that goal. Maybe writing the story will help, as a stress relief, if nothing else! But you've gotta be careful to remember what's really you, and what you really want. Wouldn't it be awkward to be 6'8? Don't our faults, in the end, make us interesting and unique?
But yeah. All my story plots typically start as... "what would i do if X?" and everything just tumbles from there. because honestly, escaping real life some times is so very, very, ( ... )
Yeah, but a lot of rabidly hormonal teenage girls aren't self-aware enough to do this. What they really want is their lust object SOULMATE, LIEK TTLY, and they don't really (care enough to) realize when their character changes into a Mary-Sue.
And that's your story plots. But like I told Corinne, about 95% (and that's conservative) of all self-inserts are the really badly outrageous type of Mary-Sue. Hate to say it, but it's true.
Yeah, most really aren't that self-aware. From their view, the universe circles around them, but that doesn't mean they understand the universe!
I want to write something that means something, but it seems that everything meaningful has already been said :/
It's hard to be self-aware. I'd guess that's why a lot of people really aren't.
I'm sure you'll find something meaningful to say. You know, it's okay to rehash old subjects, especially if you can do it in a new and meaningful way. *hugs*
It's very hard to be self-aware, especially when there's so much pressure on us to be this, to do that, be here, don't forget, etc etc etc. There are only so many things one person can keep track of, before they start to lose the little details, and then the big details escape them, because they are so wrapped up in the other little details!
*hugs* thanks. I finished reading Fahrenheit 451 (although, I'm not actually using it for my term paper. I did switch to e e cummings! yay poetry!) but i started thinking, and i've got an idea bouncing around. but anyway, thanks :)
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