On Friday the 13th (bad luck! oh, no!), I went over to Equipaje's house while the rest of my family went to Lowell. Now, we were going to see HP5, but when the time came to leave, the van wouldn't start. And then Equipaje's dad didn't have his cell phone on, so by the time he noticed that we weren't at the movie theater and came back to the house,
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and i'm glad you enjoyed the movie! the one thing my mom and I really dislike, after bashing the topic in the 70minute car ride to get nick, is that harry would NEVER have handed Lucius the prophecy. he would have come up with some solution, or tried to bargain with it, because he knew that the death eaters would kill his friends anyways. other than that, none of the things they did really pushed any of the characters out of character.
oh, I am SO glad you enjoyed the con! because it reminds me a lot of anime boston, which is sad because you hadn't gone to that... :(
although, for some weird reason, signs for giving free hugs etc had been outlawed! but oh well... and YES JENNIE OMG I think my reaction for meeting her was "I TALKED TO JENNIE BREEDEN. The extent of my glee is rather large." ^_^ so what did you talk about with her specifically?
and erk for parents being snarky commentary. why? does she just not get it?
Also. OMG NEXT YEAR WE ARE SO GOING TO BOSKONE, AND ANIME BOSTON, AND CONNECTICON, AND ANY OTHER CON WE CAN GET A RIDE TO (like that one corinne went to which i forget the name of....) con bust or something maybe?
anyways, i seem to have gotten into this really bad habit of babbling... i'll go now...
I agree with the bit about Harry handing off the Prophecy to Lucius. He definitely would have tried to find some other solution than that because he knows that Lucius Is A Bad Guy, and Bad Guys Are Not To Be Trusted.
We didn't really talk about anything specific. She said hi, and how do you like the con, and will you be there tomorrow. And I answered hello, we like it very much, first time here, not going to be here tomorrow, love your comic. Aaaand that was it.
My mother, while pretty cool about other things, simply is Not A Fan. She can/does not understand fandom, the connection between fans, the purpose of cospaying, the attraction of a convention, or anything like that. And I think cosplayers make her uncomfortable, and she deals by making fun of them. >_<;;
hehe, oh okie... i actually, like, conversed with her, but i guess i'm just more used to dealing with the "OMG-IT-IS-THAT-PERSON" syndrome. (or i babble because i'm nervous) hehe ... still, YAY jennie!
hmmmm, that makes sense about your mum.... mom. *writing and thinking like a brit thank you hp...* erk, that stinks.
hehe I love the CAPITALIZATION. (also love the caps for the Proper Nouning)
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