Adventures in the Unescapable Labyrinth of YouTube

Aug 17, 2006 18:01

Just wanted to share some of my favorite YouTube videos with all my friends, cause that's what friends do!...or something equally sentimental. *shrugs* Includes Zutara and BSG Music Vids, and Colbert Report clips.

First up is a music video for all you Zutara fans ot there! The song is "Holding Out For A Hero" by Frou Frou. Y'all may recognize this song from Shrek 2...that's where it's from! (I LOVE this song! *sing along*) Includes Avatar clips from seasons one and (the first half of)two.

A BSG Vid set to The Minstrel Boy. The song was preformed by Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros.  I am pretty sure this is from the 'Black Hawk Down' Credits.

Next a really histarical clip from the Colbert Report about the Devil, 6.06.06 and the silly, non-researching News Media people over at CNN. A treat for all you Lord of the Rings fans out there! I am just impressed that Steven saw it an recognized it on his own. Though he has proven himself quite the LotR fan.

Here are some more from the Colbert Report dealing with The Word- Truthiness, Da Colbert Code (Oscar Predictions),and The Word- Oh My Fuck

tv: the colbert report, tv: battlestar galactica, pairing: zuko/katara, booksmovies: lord of the rings

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