Haven't posted in forever!
Room: Looks like crap. It's clean, but the painting didn't go as plan and people left me and I refuse to do a whole second coat by myself. So it's patchy, but it's BLUE so it's cool.
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Fic: I noticed something about my fic preferences. For awhile now the only RPS/F that I can stand to read is Bandom stuff. I think that Supernatural RPS turned me off to it in general. Except bandom, and then I'm limited to only bands in which I can keep track of the members. Which is AAR and MCR.
HOWEVER, I have discovered a new section of RPS that is now my second exception to my No-RPS-rule...that would be football slash! God, I love it. But there needs to be more with the US boys, js. Seriously. Also related Benny Feilhaber is maybe my new favorite on the USMNT? And back to the fic, I need more Benny/Baby BearMichael Bradley (rec
two). And Benny/Kaka (
which I have read) and/or POSSIBLY Benny/CRon (which I haven't seen) (with the stipulation that he is written as not a douche,
which can be done, because I sometimes like him a person/off the pitch) due to the whole Benny being really sexy when speaking Portuguese. And OMG, Jonny Bornstein/Baby Bear (rec
two). And you know, any fic that creates/includes pairings that equal USMNT player + Spain NT player would be more than welcome in my life.
...there was something else I wanted to say...