First some love for the USMNT!
This (linked because I can't embed) is an old video from 2007 and it pretty much has everything you could ask for. Baby Bradley (WITH HAIR) stuffing his face! Deuce for
lostarkeo! ;D Benny speaking Portuguese even though they speak English because it makes him feel cool and being generally amazing/beautiful/lovable/etc...
Another video from 2007, this time at zoo/safari...Cuteness and lulz all around! The collective "OH SHIT!...AWWWW!"= XD FOREVER. Dolo and Johnny B are so cute! Dolo's, "The lions are a lot bigger in real life than they are on The Animal Planet." Jozy is hilarious! "*clings to Johnny B* That cat tried to kill me, man!" Boca's (I think) "I need to be a photographer for National Geographic!" Their horrible attempts at Steve Irwin's accent.
Click to view
Next, I love all of the Florence + the Machine videos from Glastonbury this year, but I especially love this one because of her interaction with the crowd!
Click to view
Also, I didn't watch the hours and hours long live feed(s) of the celebration of the Spain NT on the plane/bus/parade/stage. I can't stand streaming live feeds and I knew people would put it on youtube. And I had shit to do; if I didn't, I would have suffered through the feeds and watched it all. Anyways. I still haven't watched most of it as I am trying to make the WC last as long as frakking possible. But
this post is concentrated pics/macros/gifs/vids (there were like three huge celebration posts before this, people chatting and posting while watching live I think, but this one was after the fact and like I said much more concentrated, though there are still much to comb through), so if you interested and haven't already checked it out, I happily point you in that direction.