Mar 01, 2010 18:12


For those of you not around last March Madness...LOL. I get really into it. I put up the little Vote For So-and-So pimp 'posters' that some of the other people make and share. HAHA, I threaten to kill people's mothers if they don't vote for who I want them to vote for.

And if, at that time of voting, I don't like a particular character, I will out for them, for example; last year for whatever reason I had something against Dean Winchester. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't even remember what exactly, but thinking about the season last year, I think it was influenced by the fact we had just seen a bunch of episodes that ended in Dean being a pussy cry-baby over hell back-to-back-to-back or something. Anyways, I didn't realize it until after I did it, but part of the reason I voted for the Tenth Doctor over Captain Mal Reynolds, besides the fact that maybe was the peak of my crush/love/obsession with Ten-inch before coming down a bit and plateauing, was because I didn't think Mal could beat Dean. :P And during that round of voting with Ten vs. Dean, I went all out cheerleading in the comments with the other Ten girls, spamming with gifs and fanvids and show clips. SO MUCH FUN!

Like I said, I get super invested in it, so just been prepared. ;D

yay!, fandom, obsessive much?, fandom steel cage match march madness, tv: doctor who, tv: supernatural, tv: firefly

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