
Jan 05, 2010 07:24

The first dentist appointment of the week in 45 minutes. JOY. Hopefully it's only the first of two, already mentioned how I'll kill someone if they find anything that I have to come back for on Thursday.

In other news I have a lovely cold; scratchy throat when I wake up, congestion but I can mostly breathe through my nose as long as I stay relatively upright, weird voice due to nose and throat, achy-ness, crabby attitude and especially short temper, and a slight temperature that gets worse later in the day.

Well, got to go get ready and Dad's nagging about taking some medicine or something...Will let you know how the the cavity re-filling went.

Update 0855: Nitrous gas and Novocaine shot and I still fucking felt him drilling! It was painful. You know in movies where people are kicking and screaming in the dentist chair? Well, I wasn't that bad, but I was moaning/gasping in pain and my legs did jerk/kick a few times and the assistant/hygienist was rubbing my arm and the dentist was trying to making jokes and they were not funny. Thank God only minimal, low-speed drilling was needed, but when they use the air or water to blast out the debris hurt like a motherfucker. It was a cold hurt! At least he smoothed it over this time.

I'm not supposed to chew on the left side of my mouth for 24 hours so it can really set. In conclusion, nice try nice people but I still HAAATE going to the dentist more than anything, ever.

ftl, not funny, kill it with fire!, fail, things that are horrible, sick, pain! lots of pain, appointments, rl, haaate, ouchy!, dentist, schedule, jazz, dad, do not want, 2010

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