this. post. is. ridiculous. and everyone involved is equally ridiculous. srsly.

Nov 06, 2009 12:36

So remember this post where I was rhapsodizing about all the Supernatural crossovers that would be awesome in fic or vid form?

Last night, while an exhausted Jasmine slept off the week's tiredness and stress, the comments to that post were hijacked!!!! :O By two crazy bitches (KISSES!) called angeliquesg and emily_reich.

To make it easier for interested people (all 3 of us ;P) to read, I have decided to post screencaps of their Supernatural/Dollhouse fic-plotting here.

My fingers and eyes hurt from fucking Paint and Photobucket and LJ not wanting to align the caps to the right...but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! *HUZZAH*

Also after all that I decided to go all out with the tags. Seriously, excessive tagging is fun. Haters to the left.

stupid, epic, insane, shut up! tagging is fun!, things that are ridiculous, procrastination, i heart good crossovers, random, ouchy!, plotbunnies, haters to the left, useless post is useless, terrifying stuff, lolwut?!, i heart you guys, fandom, do want, pics, tv: supernatural, sharing is caring, le weekend, my happy place, screencaps, mission accomplished, that took entirely way too long, i enjoy this immensely, 2009, makes sense to me, how are you so awesome?!, tv: dollhouse, friends, lj, lulz

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