skip and dance

Feb 16, 2009 13:40

Jazz is skipping her class. HEE. I know that at least two others are doing so as well...

On Saturday we (me and a girlfriend) had a Anti-Valentine's-Day Day. We went to Friendly's, listened to the Repo! soundtrack until Meg was starting remember the lyrics (I already had them mostly memorized :P) and saw the movie Push. Which I enjoyed and will speak about under the cut....

I thought the movie was very visually appealing. And it never got boring in that sense. I liked the angles and camera techniques that were used. I also liked the effects for the powers, especially for the Movers and the lighting up thing that would happen.

Fun fact: I knew that Colin Ford&hearts (aka little Nick aka little Sam Winchester) was going to be in it. And I know I told Meg that he would be in it. She forgot and I remembered and we both reacted the same (lots of squeeing!). I thought it was funny. Also thought that little Nick and Nick's dad were a very good physical match and that part of the movie was sad.

I loved almost all of the characters. I pretty much knew that I was going to lovee Nick (Chris Evans) and Cassie (Dakota Fanning), and was happy to see that I liked Hook (Cliff Curtis), Pinky, and Emily (Ming Na&hearts). Victor was def going for the strong silent type, which I was fine with, *drools*. I, like Cassie did through out the film, wanted Kira (Camille Belle) to just go far, far away.

I do wish the movie kept the fast pace that was in the earlier part of the film, though I find that a lot of movies have this problem and I guess it might even be good to slow down for a bit... I did like Nick plan without the planning thing and I am ok with the openness of the ending. So yeah I enjoyed the movie and dl'd a cam bootleg and will most likely get the dvd.

ALMOST FORGOT! SHIPS: Hook/Emily is my secondary ship for this movie. And probably the one that won't put me on Chris Hansen's capture list. My primary ship is, of course, Nick/Cassie. BUT IN FUTURE!FIC. I can't help it. They had 100x the chemistry Kira/Nick had. And the way the scenes were shot and the script was written, it's like they wanted me to ship Nick/Cassie, swear to God. And there is comm (beadwithshimmer) and fic for them and so I don't feel so bad about it. :P

pairing: nick/cassie, movie: push, shippiness, music, course: pharmocology, call chris hansen!, jazz commentary, unconventional pairings, school, friends, less-than-legal, skipping class badass, rl

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