I read spoilers for Breaking Dawn.

Jul 29, 2008 04:56

Yes, I read spoilers for Breaking Dawn.

Yep, even with the book only a few days away, I read the spoilers. I couldn't help myself. They were right there, hiding just beneath a cut, calling to me, whisper, "...Read me...You know you want to...rEaD meEeEe!" And some part of my brain was like, "Better to read and be disappointed now, than to read and ( Read more... )

bookseries: house of night, bookseries: a modern faerie tale, bookseries: twilight, bookseries: harry potter, borders, spoilers

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Comments 11

cailte July 29 2008, 12:03:12 UTC
...whut? Where did you read the spoiler?
That almost makes me not want to buy the book... =| It sounds like such a crappy way for it all to just... end. Sure, Jacob fell in love with Bella but can't have her, so he's got her child! Most definitely the way to go about writing it.
Sigh. Well, as you said, should have seen it coming continents away. Maybe I'll borrow it from a friend. After all, how bad can it be? (...)


jazmin22 July 29 2008, 12:06:35 UTC
I read it at lion_lamb.

*hugs* I almost didn't want to buy the book, but I guess I am going to get it...it's a disappointment, but what can you do?


Hey... cold_queen_5 July 29 2008, 15:37:08 UTC
Didn't I recommend the House of Night to you? Yeah, I just finished the third book myself recently. I'll be writing my review of it (and the series) a little later this week.

Also, BD spoilers FTW. Total fanfiction. Total.

Somehow, though, that doesn't bother me. It's nice to see one of our kind "make it".


Re: Hey... jazmin22 July 29 2008, 18:59:11 UTC
HEY! I think you did! BIG THANKS btw, I really enjoyed the series (so far, of course) more than I thought from just reading the backs of the books. Can't wait to read your review, but you still like it, right?

Total fanfiction! The more I think on it, the more I fall in like with it. It's nice to see one of our kind "make it". Agreed.


Re: Hey... cold_queen_5 July 30 2008, 17:34:22 UTC
Still like it, and will be buying the next one.

It's just another one of those series that has "flaws". Really, though, what series doesn't? HoN has one MAJOR flaw that drives me utterly insane, which I will address in my review.


bagelwhore July 29 2008, 15:41:09 UTC
the spoilers were whispering to me from under the cut
i couldnt help but look at them, lol
now at least i dont have to speed read through everything and i know the bulk of the plot twists

the only thing i was adament about was Bella NOT being turned into a vampire
that would make me so disappointed
but a baby with Edward sounds like a fair trade off if she gets to stay with Jacob ^.^
and if SMeyer throws in some Volturri fighting then some of the Cullens and werewolves might end up dying
dun know who, but still
Alice better live!
Rosalie can die XD

ps. thanks for letting me know about the spoilers, i feel better now ^-^


jazmin22 July 29 2008, 19:09:51 UTC
I hate speed reading stuff, especially when it hindsight it's sorta not worth it... I'm glad a read the spoilers too!

and if SMeyer throws in some Volturri fighting then some of the Cullens and werewolves might end up dying

I know! *wails* ...AWW, I love Rosalie, though. She is so bitchy and complainy. And she has had some good quotes in the BD quote of the day...ALICE, she cannot die! CANNOT!

You're welcome, darling.


bagelwhore July 29 2008, 15:41:43 UTC
ps. I adore Tithe, Ironside, and Ophelia
you will love Ironside ^.^


jazmin22 July 29 2008, 19:05:47 UTC
I am only 60 pages in to Ironside and I love it so much already!


styromgalleries July 30 2008, 06:29:36 UTC
You know, on an anti-Twilight site that I visited once just for the lulz, they brought up an interesting point: Edward is not human anymore, right? He's a vampire. He has cold skin and he doesn't have blood anymore, right? So... he wouldn't be able to do the deed. Biology 101, SMeyer.

Of course, I've only read the whole of Twilight and bits and pieces of the others, mostly picking around for the main action. Maybe they're/I'm wrong, but I thought that was pretty hilarious. That would pretty much kill the huge debate that's been going on between Edward and Bella for most of the series.


jazmin22 July 30 2008, 06:34:56 UTC

You know, if these spoilers are real I am ok with that because it will be so loltastic. If they are fake the whole orchestration of/ and everyone wigging out over them will be loltastic. There is no "lose" in this situation, just lots of lulzy win. :D


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