Excuses and Memes...

Jun 12, 2008 09:44

Wow. I suck at updating. Well, excuse time! I don't even know, I guess most of it was the insane heat over the weekend and Monday and Tuesday, that kept me off the laptop and out of my hot room. And I was still in that mind set yesterday, though I did catch up on reading my friends list. While I was avoiding the internet or even turning PJ on and letting him heat up my room even more, I did get quite a bit of reading in, yay!

MEME - You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:
1. one weapon.
2. one song blasting on the speakers.
3. one famous person to fight alongside you.

* Weapon can be real or fictional; you may assume endless ammo if applicable. Person can be real or fictional.

1. A 12 gauge, pump action, sawed off shotgun with 00 buckshot. O.o (Uh, I knew the shotgun bit on my own, but then I asked my brother and he said shotgun too. And then over the next half hour, while we watched The Daily Show, he kept adding specific details at random intervals. And I was like "Ok..ok...ok..." Yeah. He is really into video games and studying wars and stuff…)
2. I can't pick just one! "Day Three: Pain" by Ayeron, "Pompeii" by ES Posthumus, "Nightmare" by Nox Arcana, "Death is the Road to Awe" from The Fountain(especially the last chunk where the music builds), if we are being over the top and slow-mo about it: "Carfax Abbey" by Autumn Tears and if we are being full of ourselves and snarky about it: "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode (IDK?!).
3. River Tam from Firefly/Serenity. Duh.

Your Celebrity Boob Twin:

Lucy Lawless

Who's Your Celebrity Boob Twin?

little brother, xena ftw!, meme, reading is the best, zombies, movie: serenity/r. tam sessions, tv: firefly, weather, rl

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