CHEM15TRY - Sam/River Table

May 31, 2008 13:21

Prompt Table of Crossover...ness! Or 'of Craziness', I haven't decided yet. Wooo, here we go!

Prompt table for chem15try challenge.

Claim: Sam Winchester/River Tam (Supernatural/Firefly)

1.Redox2.Dissociation3.Equilibrium4.Thermodynamics5.Entropy6.Isomers7.Law of conservation of energy8.Catalyst9.Substituent10.Kinetics11.Neutralization12.Transition state13.Stoichiometry14.Enantiomers15.Isolated system

0/15 complete.

prompt table, fic, pairing: sam/river, tv: supernatural, tv: firefly

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