Without Which Not

May 28, 2008 00:08

Reaction post to BSG 4x08 Sine Qua Non

I loved the Adama/Roslin in this episode. There was so much for her completely not being there at all. He can't live without her, how amazing is it that he admitted such a fact. They come so far from the miniseries.

I thought that this was some of Grace's (Sharon) best work. She looked so hurt when Adama was telling her that she betrayed him. The end with her and Hera and Sharon finally calm again was great.

Natalie. ;_; Loved her and sad to see her pass. It was lovely with her crying and praying and the trees and sunlight in her projection. And Cottle trying to save her and holding her hand.

Lee and Romo! And the return of Romo Lampkin period. Mark Sheppard is such an amazing actor, I don't think that anyone else could really pull Romo off. And the deadcatwhat? I totally didn't get it until I watched the ep the second time.

And the return of Jake! YAY JAKE! And while it's great that he is going to stay with Romo now, I kind of wish he was staying with Lee, because Lee was too cute talking about/to Jake.

Back to Lee, though...He's is president! AND HIS NAME IS LELAND. I giggled at that, I wont deny it. But just cause I thought it was cute. How did no one know this awesome little fact?! And OMG, the red shirt in which he proceeded to smolder in *swoons*. And that was the suit from the Last Supper pic, which probably doesn't mean anything but whatevs...

Kara! Listen up y'all, I love when she is being crazy as much as the next person, but the times when she is sane and in-charge and a competent officer (and in her dress blues and her cute pony-tail) are refreshing. Love her.

Tigh got Caprica PREGNANT. WUT?! The Final Five are really different. And the fight with Tigh and Adama was great. Nothing better than old guys beating each other up. And Adama's model ship of awesome got smashed again, though it doesn't look so bad.

The whole end of the episode felt like the frakking Twilight Zone or something. Adama is in a flight suit and answering to Husker and talking to Galactica Actual, Tigh is now Galactica Actual and I was like, "WHAT, ADAMA IS GALACTICA ACTUAL. ONLY ADAMA. I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS HERE."  I felt the wrongness of it in my soul. Then I thought, "This is sort of cool in a fascinating, the-world-is-upside-down way." And Tigh's now Admiral (or just Commander? I think he skipped to Admiral...), the fleet is leaving and has both new Civilian and Military leadership and Adama is sitting in a raptor floating in space reading a book waiting for his love to return. It was a bit of a mindfrak.

[ETA: If it is now, Admiral Tigh...then what is Adama's rank? Does he even have a rank? I think he better or the world would end. TRUFAX.]

But, OMG, Final Fifth theory time. You know how everyone expects The Final Five to lead them to Earth and whatnot. Well, now neither Adama nor Roslin (I think both are human) are there at all. And this is awesome because I still think there is a chance for Lee to be the Final Fifth (if Tigh can age and get one of The Significant Seven pregnant, then it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to believe that Lee could have been switched at birth as an infant, at least not to me it isn't). And now him and Tigh are leading the fleet (like the Five Priest lead the 13th Tribe to Earth before?). Anders, Tyrol and Tory are with the fleet too...So, yeah, not really much of a theory at all, I just still think/hope that Lee could be The Fifth.
Also, I read a quite well-written article making a case for Lee being The Final Fifth a while ago. Read it here.

obsessive much?, tv: battlestar galactica, i heart cylons, spoilers

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