Back to School

Jan 15, 2008 09:51

Way back on Saturday, I went on a little shopping spree. I got a lot stuff because there were sales at two stores I frequent at the mall. At one point I needed to pick something up that I had dropped so I held a huge bag of bought stuff and stuff that I wanted try on in my left arm. Let's just say that my arm still aches today. *looks for some Icy-Hot*

Also we finally got the 2-disc Transformers DVD. Finally. I watched it awhile ago @ Meghan's house, but I really want my own copy...

Yesterday was my first day back at school. It was snowy-rainy, cold, and grey; weather I actually adore. I only had one class, but I went in earlier to buys my books (can you say last minute?). I have already spent so much for this semesters books, it's ridiculous, and I may still have another one to buy. *gives up and just chucks wads of cash at university*

I was going to post my schedule all nice and table-ified, but it looks like I am going  to have to change it because of a maybe-upcoming Philosophy switcheroo. I'll probably put the table up tomorrow.

My first class was Arabic I, which looks very interesting. The prof was incredibly soft-spoken at first, but she got louder when she actually started teaching. I do know someone in that class, thank goodness, Annie from high school. Also, when I went to the bookstore (again) after class to get the book and lab book, I saw there was class which required texts were The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (it was the boxset of the 3 movie-cover  paperbacks + The Hobbit), and Beowulf.

... ((o_O)) ...

I CAN HAS THIS CLASS PLZ NAO! It's not fair. I would only have to buy Beowulf.  I would FRAKIN' ACE that class. Stupid 300 level class with a millionjillionkabillion English prereqs needed. Not. Fair.


Today I have Chemistry M&L (FUN. /sarcasm), Philosophy (I'll have to figure out how to switch out of the one I have scheduled and get into Intro, hopefully it is not closed yet), and Intro to Film Study (Doesn't look that bad).

course: arabic i, books, textbooks, course: chemistry m&l, school, course: intro to film study, esu, bookseries: lord of the rings, shopping

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